The Student Achievement Awards is a property of USI/AMLÉ and decisions by USI/AMLÉ are final on all awards.
All nominations will be judged by judges appointed for the purpose by the President of USI/AMLÉ and awards will be made entirely at the discretion of the judges.
Judges are under no obligation to issue an award in the circumstances where the judge determines that no candidate meets the standards they have determined, at their discretion, exist for the award to be made.
Privacy and Consent
Details submitted during the nomination process will be held and processed by USI/AMLÉ, including the judge allocated for the purpose of adjudication.
Details submitted during the nomination process will be processed in accordance with the need to:
- Decide on a winner
- Communicate with the nominees
- Create the award
- Prepare materials for the award ceremony
Details of winners may be retained for an indeterminate period to facilitate the creation of an history of the awards in the future. The details to be retained will be:
- The name of the winner
- The Students’ Union of which the winner is a member
- The name of the award
All other records relating to winners will be destroyed no later than six months after the conclusion of the awards ceremony.
You should seek consent of the person(s) you are nominating before you nominate them. USI/AMLÉ will make contact with nominees prior to the conclusion of the awards, and may invite them to attend the awards ceremony.